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Non-inferiority of miltefosine versus meglumine antimoniate for cutaneous leishmaniasis in children.

Rubiano LC; Miranda MC; Muvdi S; Rodríguez-Barraquer I; Pérez M; Montero LM; Rojas MX; Garcerant D; Prager M; Osorio L; Nicholls RS;  Saravia NG.


Genomic and Molecular Characterization of Clinical Isolates of Enterobacteriaceae Harboring mcr-1 in Colombi 2002-2016

Saavedra SY; Diaz L; Wiesner M; Correa A; Arévalo SA; Reyes J; Hidalgo AM; de la Cadena E; Perenguez M; Montaño LA; Ardila J; Ríos R; Ovalle MV; Díaz P; Porras P; Villegas MV; Arias CA; Beltrán M; Duarte C


La ética de los diseños y métodos alternativos de ensayos clínicos. Una reflexión sobre el Foro Global de Bioética en Investigación del 2017. [Ethics in clinical trials designs and alternative methods].

Saenz C: Luna F; Salas S; Canario JA; Chamorro JB; Palacios R; Quiroz E; Saidón P; Villela BM


[Costs of an Aedes aegypti vector control program in municipalities in Colombia: a case study in Girón and Guadalajara de Buga, 2016]

Salinas-López MA; Soto-Rojas VE; Ocampo CB


Resistant Gram-negative infections in the outpatient setting in Latin America

Salles MJ; Zurita J; Mejía C; Villegas MV on behalf of the Latin America Working Group on Bacterial Resistance


Point-Counterpoint: Piperacillin-Tazobactam Should Be Used To Treat Infections with Extended-Spectrum-Beta-Lactamase-Positive Organisms

Schuetz AN; Reyes S; Tamma PD


Vector competence and innate immune responses to dengue virus infection in selected laboratory and field-collected Stegomyia aegypti (= Aedes aegypti)

Serrato IM; Caicedo PA; Orobio Y; Lowenberger C; Ocampo CB.


The Use of ?L/?LIs for ESBL Infections: Defining the Right Patient Population

Tamma PD; Villegas MV.


Inflammation and immune evasion coexist in Treponema pallidumeinfected skin

Trujillo R: Cervantes J; Hawley KL; Cruz A; Sankhiros B; Murphy M;  Dadras SS; Salazar JC


Strengthening institutional capacity for equitable health research: lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean

Tulloch-Reid MK; Saravia NG; Dennis Verano RJ; Jaramillo A;  Cuervo LG; Walker SP; Salicrup LA