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Becky is a Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Engineering at Yale University (USA). As a Whitaker International Fellow and NIH Fogarty GHES Fellow, Becky will complete two years of her dissertation research in residence at CIDEIM. Her work seeks to rationally design topical therapeutics for cutaneous leishmaniasis using tissue engineering, biomaterials, and nanotechnology. Becky focuses her passion for global health and humanitarian engineering through the integration of her applied scientific research with grassroots community health work and international policy advocacy across Latin America, Africa, and Asia. She is particularly passionate about enhancing equitable access to medical technologies, reducing R&D barriers for neglected disease biotechnologies, and ensuring human rights-based responses to epidemics and protracted health crises. Becky has worked at the United Nations and The Carter Center. She also volunteers with Engineers Without Borders and leads STEM outreach programs for traditionally underrepresented groups.
- Expected: Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, Yale University, USA, 2020
- Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) in Epidemiology, Yale University, USA, 2016
- B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, 2013
B. Banner and R. Byler and K. Burton and E. Cobb. 2015. Toilet With Urine Diversion and Method for Waste Reuse. U.S. Patent 20150245748 A1. Filed February 6, 2015. Issued September 3, 2015.
M. Fay and D. Myers, A. Kumar, C. Turbyfield, R. Byler, K. Crawford, R. Mannino, A. Laohapant, E. Tyburski, Y. Sakurai, M. Rosenbluth, N. Switz, T. Sulchek, M. Graham, and W. Lam. Cellular softening mediates leukocyte demargination and trafficking, therby increasing clinical blood counts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 113(8):1987-1992. 2016.
G. Wang, W. Mao, R. Byler, K. Patel, C. Henegar, A. Alexeev, and T. Sulchek. Stiffness dependent separation of cells in a microfluidic device. PLoS One. 2013. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075901
Becky is a Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Engineering at Yale University (USA). As a Whitaker International Fellow and NIH Fogarty GHES Fellow, Becky will complete two years of her dissertation research in residence at CIDEIM.