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Beatrice Halpaap

Consultora del Programa de Investigación y Entrenamiento en Enfermedades Tropicales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (TDR/WHO por sus siglas en inglés). Desde 2007 ha visitado numerosas veces a CIDEIM como colaboradora en la introducción del Curso de Planeación y Evaluación Efectivas en Proyectos de Investigación en Salud (PEEP), desarrollado por el TDR/WHO.


“I remember CIDEIM as a very stimulating and conducive environment with enthusiastic, responsive and proactive people. It has been extremely rewarding to work with colleagues at CIDEIM, at both professional and personal levels. The teams are determined and reliable. The Center is unique because of its leadership and the will and openness for continuous improvement”.


“I would like to see CIDEIM continuing striving in what they do and receiving additional support from the government to synergize and sustain research and research capcity building efforts in the Region”.